What issues have you encountered in incorporating a blogroll and web filtering into your own weblog?
The main issue that I had in creating a blogroll was that I don’t read many blogs. I read a couple for entertainment purposes, but have only just begun to look at blogs dealing in my research topic, of which there are very few. Actually setting up the blogroll was simple (www.blogrolling.com), but finding content that I feel comfortable enough with to vouch for in my blog has been difficult. I do think the blogs that I link to do have value, and although all don’t lead to a blog specifically about my research topic, they are entertaining nonetheless.
The web filtering portion of the assignment was much easier for me because I have been actively involved in researching websites for my topic. I feel much more confident directing any readers to these sites because I have more familiarity with them than I do the with the blogs on my blogroll.
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